Natl. Spinach Day Ariana Grande Style Strawberry Spinach

Natl. Spinach Day Ariana Grande Style Strawberry Spinach

Yield: 4
Author: The Salad Lab
National Spinach day is July 26th. A lot of people don’t like fresh spinach because of the chalky feeling on their teeth. It’s caused by the oxalate crystals they release and then bind to the calcium in your teeth. I find if you chop baby spinach, you don’t chew it as much and dramatically reduce the metallic/gritty feeling.


  • .25c Lemon juice
  • 2T water
  • 2T Balsamic vinegar
  • 2T Extra Virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 6c finely chopped spinach
  • 1/4c sliced dates
  • 1c sliced fresh strawberries
  • 1c defrosted or fresh edemame
  • 2c roasted tofu
  • 2T orange juice
  • 1T Extra Virgin olive oil
  • 2t white miso
  1. Preheat oven to 425, toss orange juice, miso and EVOO coat .5” cubes of tofu and roast on parchment paper for 15-20 minutes. Prep all other ingredients and whisk, toss, ENJOY!

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